Pure Xperia Z3 ROM for Xperia C (Stable Release) is all you need ROM for Xperia C which is very much stable as compared to previous ROMs for Xperia C. You may already had experienced Pure Xperia Z3 ROM earlier but thought to provide a more basic and awesome ROM for Xperia C 2305. And today we are done! So not wasting your time anymore let me describe the features of Pure Xperia Z3 ROM Stable Release for Xperia C :
Pure Xperia Z3 ROM is Based on Latest Xperia C 16.0.B.2.16 Base
A. Xperia Z3 HOME & Simple Home
B. Xperia Z3 Themes (Lollipop Themes Added)
C. Smooth and Fast Respose
D. Xperia Z3 SystemUI
E. Xperia Z3 Framework
F. Xperia Z3 Media Apps
G. Xperia Z3 System Apps
H. Xperia Z3 Widgets
I. Latest Xperia Keyboard
J. Xperia Z3 Fonts
K. Xperia Z3 Smart Social Camera
L. Xperia Z3 Style Settings
N. Xperia C3 Style Camera
O. Xperia Z3 Wallpapers
P. Xperia Z3 Sounds
Q. Xperia Z3 Bootanimation
R. True Viper4Android/Dolby Integration
S. Xperia build.prop
T. No network/Wifi issues
U. 3G SIM Switching
V. S-Force Surround Sound 3D
W. SeraJR QuickSettings Toggles
X. Battery Savings
Y. Advanced Reboot Menu
Z. Compatible with Xposed Modules (JB)
Z1. Smart Gestures
Z2. No Bloatwares plus Multi User support
Z3. Xperia Z3 Style Task Switching
Moreover gaming performance has now increased to a great extent as now we have huge amount of free RAM usage option.
Video Review of Pure Xperia Z3 ROM on Xperia C :
Do not go on the Video Clarity. That is due to color split by the recorder!
Here are the Screenshots of Pure Xperia Z3 ROM Stable Version Running on Xperia C :

Further Screenshots can be unlocked by liking or Follow or Sharing Us[sociallocker id=”1630″]
Instructions to Install Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM on Xperia C :
- Xperia C must be rooted! If it is not rooted then first read our earlier post to Root Xperia C.
- Now you need to have Custom Recovery Installed (CWM, TWRP, Philz or Carliv any). If you do not have recovery installed then read our earlier article to Install Pure CWM Version 2 for Xperia C ( Remember to Check BootVersion before installing CWM)
- Take CWM backup of the Stock ROM so that you can revert back to original if you do not like the ROM. To do so, Turn Your Phone OFF and then press Power and Volume Down together and you will see recovery, from there navigate to Backup and Restore and Select backup! Do remember in CWM recovery Touch do not work, only the Hardware keys work, so not get panic.
- Remember to Increase Your Internal Space Storage from our Previous article and then proceed as this will help you all to get the essence of Pure Xperia Z3 ROM. Read : Increase Internal Apps Storage Space in Xperia C
- Download Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM for Xperia C . We are here with the two different versions : One that which has Xperia Z2 Camera pre installed! But this can not record Videos! So another Version do not have Xperia Z2 Camera! So select as per your decision!
- Download Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM for Xperia C By simply Liking or +1 or Follow us : [sociallocker]Download Pure Xperia Z3 ROM Flashable ZIP[/sociallocker]
- Now Download small patch which will fix large size icons and also add 10 Lollipop Themes for Xperia C : [sociallocker id=”1630″]Download Patch for Pure Xperia Z3 ROM[/sociallocker]
- Now Paste the above two files on SD card of your Phone. Now boot the phone into recovery mode by pressing Power and Volume Down button together!
- First of all Wipe Cache , Wipe Dalvik Cache , Factory Reset and then go to Install Zip from SD card and First flash Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM , followed by the patch.
- Restart the phone. First time startup will take time, so do not get panic!
Here is the Video demonstrating How To Install Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM on Xperia C:
FAQ regarding Pure Xperia Z3 Stable ROM :
1. What to do after first boot up?
Ans : Simply reboot once again and then first go to Xposed modules and then install the framework and let the phone restart, thereafter activate all the inactive modules and restart the phone once again!
2. Video Recorder not working!
Ans : That is the common problem with Xperia Z3 ROM with Xperia Z2 Cam. We are working on another version of the same ROM which will be without Xperia Z2 Cam. So dont get panic!
Credits : Thanks to bgos10 and Pure Xperia Team for developing this fantastic ROM for other MTK devices, we have just ported it to Xperia C! Thanks to Iwan and Ofcourse Me (Somesh ).
Do not forget to subsribe to the website in order to stay updated with the tweaks for Xperia C and further updates! If you are struck somewhere, then feel free to comment! We are at your service! But please read earlier comments before commenting! 🙂
download link for the rom without z2 camera please
how can I add time in the status bar
developed a marshmallow rom for Sony c3
Link is down
Hi bro
Please help me
I want to install lollipop or z3 Rom in my xperia c
But I don’t understand which is better and stable with out any issues.can I install those Rom with out increasing memory?
My requirement are
1. 3g switching
2. Better Rom with out increasing memory
I think if I install z3 Rom I no need to install 3g switching.
Please let me know am I right or not
Waiting for ur reply
It would be great if you first increase your memory and then you install the ROM!
Ok thanq for u suggestion
I will increase memory
if I install z3 Rom I no need to install 3g switching?
Is there any problem if I install lollipop with out increasing memory?
I guess that will make your phone more slow and hanging!
MR. somesh chaudhary can we expect andriod marshmallow 6.0 version for sony xperia c ,,can you tell me please
Nope, Support to Sony Xperia C has stopped long ago!
I just want to ask you something before i do it….i want to do it for one reason only, to change the keyboard and make it look like Z3 keyboard…i mean i want the number above the letters at the same page…like Samsung note keyboard .
so if i installed this ROM..will i get this keyboard??
Yes you can try Xposed and some of its modules to get the same without following such great procedures!
Hey ,is it important to increase the internal storage ..
If i am not increasing it … Can in install the rom properly ?
Please Reply!
Yea! You can install any rom! But the thing is it will crash as it is designed for 2GB internal Space!
after updating succesfully with this xperia z3 ROM i m not getting my stutus bar. i m the status bar is empty its not showing anything please help sir
It takes little time for Status bar to appear for the first time! Do not worry!
where is another Download small patch file…
Its in the same download link 🙂
I know it’s an old post, but could you tell me what did you do to make viper4android work?
Well! Framework needs to be edited! thats the most important thing to be done to make viper4android to work!
in my case this message is apear on cwm:
“Script aborted (no error message) E: Error in /sdcad/Pure+Xperia+Z3+Informationlord.zip
(Status 7)
Instalation aborted.
Help please.
This is due to incomplete Download! Please check again by downloading the ROM! Thank You!
Thanks, But the boot.img not applicable.
I already downloaded other roms and it happens the same problem.(Status 7)
You think can be download problem?
Well this for Xperia C! Therefore it should work without any such error! Try flashing the Stock and then Installing CWM and try again! If that still dont solve your problem! I would request you to Download ROM again! Thank You!
Somesh bro…… I hv downloaded this rom n im using it but my apps take much more time to get installed means they take 15 to 16 days to get installed….. Plzzzz help bro plzzz help……..
Seriously, 15-16Days to Install a app?
Where the patch download link ??
Oh sorry.
I got it after share it on my google+ .
thank you for your tutorial. all the installation perfectly done on my xperia c. i check the android version, it still 4.2.2. is there anyway for me to upgrade the android version to kitkat or lollipop?
Edit build.prop file
will it also upgrade android version frm jellybean to lollipop
Stock in sony logo, y? I have new firmware and cwm
Forcely Restart the phone into CWM Mode and try following the same procedure again!
Is it available to install apps in SD Card with apps data and without having traces of apps in internal storage ??
Please reply me as soon as possible……………….
Well, can you please elaborate the same?
Hi I want to ask, the notif bar cant swipe with finger, it doesnt work, how to solve it?
After restart it takes time for the phone to load status bar. so stay chill!
Hi, I want to ask, after flashing i cant swipe notif bar with 2 finger. The function 2 finger at notif bar is not working, how to solve this? Thanks
Well the functionality of Two Finger Swipe may be obstructed! hope we will solve it in new updates!
I had installed this rom but now i m facing problems. as it hangs again and again. I want to roll back to original rom that came with this phone. how do i do it?
Flash the stock FTF of b.2.16
Really appreciate your work with this ROM but I didn’t like the notification area where you’ve added music player (and two WiFi) shortcuts. Is there any way that can be removed?
You can try your hands on any of the Systemui for your phone!
Hi bro
My name is Sharath kumar
Iwant to install Xperia Z3 Rom on my Xperia C Mobile phone.
So Wat I want to do
Simply follow the tutorial!
hi is status bar clock is working now??
Well when did it not work?
Hey buddy can you please make the status bar and navigation bar transparent. i am looking or this rom and this one didnt have transparent feature. Could you do it or us.
Sorry sir, but wheres the download links ?
Hello somesh please find a way to unlock bootloader of xperia c
Hello somesh is there any cyanogenmod for xperia c
NOpe not yet and not until Xperia C bootloader is unlocked!
Use the CameraKK app to record videos!
y isnt network signal for both sims not shown????
It will take little time to load! But it will show!
Is camera issue solved??
When next update is coming?
Reply to me please, don’t ignore me
I guess, it is too hard for us to do any further development for this device! But still we might covering up small mods for Xperia C on this site.
What about app storage…
Its 2GB, if it is not so, then proceed with Increase App Storage Tutorial!
Hi somesh,
Thanks for the awesome ROM, i already installed it. It works like a charm but i have one problem. When i play a game, for instance “marvel future fight” and i touch the home button by accident, and when i switch back to the game, the game gets restart again. Is there any option to make it normal? I mean, it’s like the application/game getting killed (force close) somehow when touching the home button.
Best Regards,
You can help yourself by going to settings and then to USB Debugging and there you can look up for To Keep activities and select MAX tab. This might Help
I m from india then its work or not??????
And its work than which file can download?????? Us, texas etc
hi good job pls update rom asap its not 100% working 🙁
Well you can use Titanium Backup app to create backup of the Apps and then restore the same after you install this ROM!
I seriously need a clock in top bar… pls provide same
i have installed completely , but i getting restarting my phone , pls helppppp
working version xperia c c2304 Brasilian
i have prob
unfortunately,sound enhancements has stopped
i need help
All right installed a ROM , but the screen starts is all black . already uninstalled and installed the rom again and nothing , until the pacth installed and nothing
U need to wait after first boot up! Then you will get the status bar and all!
I’m greatly appreciate your work. Please release the modified ROM as soon as possible..
Why settings.apk background is not changing when i change the theme? It was possible for the previous pure z3 rom, please tell me how to make it possible, thanks for this awesome rom
Please provide mediafire or google drive link
I’m unable to download it
After some time the download gets an error due to expired page android file host SUCKS
Well for now we have only this server. Try server 1 in the list
Not Working the MusicEffects in Settings–>Sound
First of all ,thanks for ur grt work.
Z3 rom was very nice.It is working nicely in ma xperia c.But when i taking music it shows “sound enhancement stopped” notification.And i think now ma loud speaker sound is low.
What ‘s the android version
Heyy…somesh bro….android l theme and all other modules are not working even if it is activated….what to do…pls reply
After enabling you need to reboot the phone.
What should we do to install gravity box. I have already installed framework in Xperia xposed, but when I opening the gravity box it doesn’t responding
All you need to do is. First disable all modules and only enable gb and then restart
modified rom will be uploaded wen??
Somesh my frnd….wen will the modified version of dis rom b available
Is There any Update coming up with Xperia C camera ?
Sorry, can you share link pure Z3 rom for xperia C? I cant download link after like fb and g+ thanks
Google Drive link Please….
Clear cache and then restart the phone!
Thats because you did not have the right bootversion!
will u make a lolipop rom for xperia c
Link is down..after some tym dowload automatically stopped.. Already 3 or more ryms…any torrent link….
No torrent link as of now
Ur Rom is too good bt cnt u keep d same Sony C3 camera in which d video camera can work
Yea . We gonna release the same ROM with stock Xperia C camera, in a day or two
i love your work.. can you please release the stock camera ROM soon?
Still no updated ROM?
update ?? 🙁
Exposed module is unable to install
You need to first install the framework and then restart
sir pls send another site to download rom this site i cant open…
Sir somesh.. how will i know if what sim am i using ? coz im a bit confused on how the network signal works….
How long usually the first booting takes time? I already take more than 1 hour and it keeps reboot and reboot.
Hii somesh, how to fix status bar issue (status bar not coming after reboot). I have to make a notification like incoming sms or something to fix it. thankz..
Hi !
This rom is compatible with Xperia c 2304 ????
Hi Soumesh,
Thanks for all the hardwork done..!! its really great to see that Xperia C has got a ROM.lol
few things which i would like to mention as my findings.
1. Time in status bar. I read ur comments. and followed it.. But no succes..!! please fix this
2. The Keyboard doesnot support Swipe. Thats a bit annoying.
3. The symbols like . ? ! are not available at top. I need to press the symbol key for long and then i get the option. Please fix this keyboard problem..!!
4. What about google now??? Why isn’t it there?
5.Browser has to be the first thing bro!!! 😀
Please help me solving first four bugs bro!!
Thanks for the effort..!!
I can’t install gravitybox
It says framework is not running, gravitybox exiting
Is there some way to change status bar?
You need to install Frameworks, i mean install Xposed Modules first!
while using the camera, zoom button is not working
Change the button settings to Zoom !
Hi Somesh I’m unable to get Latest Xperia C 16.0.B.2.16 through PC companion or phone, my version is 16.0.B.2.13. To install the above Z3 ROM 16.0.B.2.16 base is needed. could u please help me ??
Yes! So first update to b.2.16 from here and then proceed!
os modulos de som nao funcionam clear phase” and xLoud!
will my data on sd card lost if i do tis?
GravityBox Cant be installed. everytime, its saying APK corrupted.
Also, Can I remove 2nd row of shortcuts in Notification Bar?
How to remove the weather report from ToolBar.
How can i have only the switchers in the settings for my old rom? And it’s really awesome rom,thanks
how to remove the humidity in the status bar?
Hi bro just flashed this from pure Z3. but the problems are…
1) unable to get dual sim function in messaging app. want the previous app back.
2) take too much of time to battery recharge
3)prefer to have the previous network signal
can you plz give a link to get the previous messaging app or can i use the apk from the backup??
may i flash the pure Z3 rom on this rom?
First of all the ROM is awesome and it has few bugs like Humidity not changed in notification bar, weather app force close, video recording force closes , I tried google camera their video recording works well, status bar takes time to show their content and clock not display. Anyway such a nice rom thank you for making such rom…
After flashing booth zip file via CWM
After restart stuck on sony logo waited for 20 min what to do
shalll i restore my previous apps and games and files via cwm
or need to be install all apps new ……after Z3 rom……update
Need to install!
Thank you very much for your contribution.I want to test this ROM but the androidfilehost is SUCK.why all mirrors that I get links always stuck at 89%???
Would you mind uploading to mediafire for me?
Well are you using IDM?
Hi somesh…
Awesome work… But my xc is too slow after flashing this package… Please provide any solution for this problem…
Is this ROM not compatible with Xposed Modules. None of the modules are working. Even Gravity Box is not working properly??
Thats because the framework of Xposed Modules is not yet installed! First of all install Xposed framework and then proceed!
Bro, after reboot status bar not come(not visible).. if any notification(massage or update notification) came status bar visible. i also tried with tinted app.. still same problem
Hii somessh, this room is working, i just dont know how to show the clock on the top right corner of status bar, please tell me what can i do? N why android version still 4.2.2 not 4.4.2
after reboot status bar not come(not visible).. if any notification(massage or update notification) came status bar visible. i also tried with tinted app.. still same problem
Thanks somesh.. Nice rom..great work brother.. There was just a video recording and camera problem which i solved..now its working perfectly fine.
No.problems at all..
can you share yur solution please?
Hi, can you share how did you solve the video recording problems?
its an early release of this rom….u myt hav worked a lil more on it…m really not satisfied….neither left nor ryt i can see my netwrk signals,,,video cam not wrkng…humidity on notify panel…man who need ittt….walkman has naruto wallpaper dats osm..bt white wallpaper with white font…hw can one see his songs list….n my last ques is if u can modify the stock to lollipop den y not u try to mod the stock to cyanogen???
Uploading the same ROM with little more modifications! Inconvenience caused is regretted!
Somesh have you already uploaded you modified? I noticed too that pictures in album gallery fades to black after a few seconds. That is even if I have already updated the album app. Please help. Thanks 🙂
Hey somesh just a simple question, what abt the app storage space is it still the same as before or have u changed it to 2GB. Pls do reply
Never mind I saw it
Its 2Gb
im on pure xperia..can i directly flash this? do i need to wipe the system? or data?
Yes ofcourse! but you need to wipe data and factory reset first!
thanks..looking forward for more development.. 😀
Bro I want tinted status bar but whenever I enable it its not showing tinted per apps using tinted status bar mod.Please help.
Did you activate the Xposed module?
Yes I did it… Still no sign of it..or perhaps not compatible after all?
How do we activate xposed modules???????????
Somesh whenever I want to see pictures it shows the pics for 2 seconds and becomes blank.It is only on album app.Any fix?
Update the album
goto display settings and just turn off image enhancement
my vdeo recording is not working how can i use it?
Working on solving it
no netwrk signal shown
Its on the top left corner
no broda its not showing dre too….plllz tell wot shud i do
It woked… Thanx a lottt…………………….
Excellent work.. Bravo man…
Only one thing i dislike is status bar..very buggy even not show time, we have to scroll it..
Pls change this to ur privious z3 rom status bar and notification bar…
Although nevigatin bar is excellent.. Pls help me..
If u could tell me, how to change this roms status bar with previous status n notificstion layout…iwill do it my sel.. Tks
Bro this is actually not buggy. It takes time to load. You can always change the time by going to Tinted Status Bar settings
Tks for reply..can u tell me how can i add clock at top status bar..by tinted status bar?? I m unable to find it.pls help
Try using Xposed modules like gravity box or so
Gravitybox not working
Show System framwork not responding, exiting
Unactivate all xposed modules and then activate only GB and install it, after that install all modules thats it!
somesh, how can I change walkman app’s wallpaper/background? i’m really not a big fan of naruto.. 😀
You can update the walkman app and it will automatically be changed to stock 🙂
just installed the rom, so far so good 🙂
3G is working perfectly?
Yes, 3g is working awesome on both sims !
I cant vedio recording.. Photo only 1M quilty
Working on that fix 🙂 And other Camera Apps will have 8MP max quality
After flashing the Rom, status bar is not visible
It takes a little time after which status bar appears, that is actually effect by tinted app! You can anyway mod it!
Cannot the status bar be transparent ? also how can i view both sims network at the same time?
The both sim card network is merged into one. You can change its settings in tinted status bar app
and what about the transparent status bar and navigation bar ? also the tinted status seems like to work only for 4.4+ devices??
Hi fellas first reply for this time…
Okay let’s start with user experience
1.A more refurbished ui which I like it to my heart.
2.The rom itself is 650mb only which is more lighter than old version of pure z3 rom.
3.New apps and less bloatware which is a thumbs up.
4.Battery seem to be more better than the old one.
5.Omg the stock camera.Wow it is a new one and 10x better than the old.
6.Tweaked settings which I like it.
7.Init.d support which was more better.
8.Overall it is a badass rom.
The thing i didn’t like was system apps are outdated which I didn’t expect
No browser.Seriously you guys are joking…
I expect antutu score increase but nah its okay..
All in all I’m more than satisfied..
Thank you for the great job.
Btw can I install pureperformance mod?Does it cause problems?
Thumbs up fellas
Thank you for your Interesting review! Really feeling happy. Yes Try installing PurePerformance mods and see the results and do share the same so that we can also add up 🙂
So the one with the z2 camera, video recording won’t work. How about if you install another camera app, say lenovo snap it, will that application be able to record video? thanks!
Yes, it might help! Or one can have short quick fix by replacing mediacodecs.xml in etc folder with the stock ROMs xml and then installing the stock Xperia C Camera! Do try and let me know 🙂
Is there no way to record videos or there is another app other than z2 camera app to record videos?
We can use other app in Xperia Z2 Camera app to record the same 🙂 Still we are working on it 🙂
Also, it is taking a lot of time for the notification bar to load after reboot. any idea why?
can you make startusbar and navbar is transparent? thanks alot
Somesh thank u so much
hi somesh thanks for doing great job for xperia c users.
plz tell “clear phase” and xLoud works on that rom??
Thats goes with a force close as you have Dolby Installed!
good work somesh bro … can u please tell us or post screenshot of how to change tinted status bar setting so that when we reboot phone status bar appear instantly plz bro