Hello guys, with your love and interest in Informationlord, we have successfully completed a year wonderfully. On this interesting occasion we have finally launched our own Android App that will help all android smartphone users to stay updated on the go with best visuals and with all in one place to find solutions and tutorials for any problem related to Android smartphone or any other tech related query.
One can download Information lord app directly from play store :
Install Informationlord App From Playstore
After installation of the app, you can open the app as normal app. One can find various sections in the sidebar which makes users to never miss any single post of information lord. Here are the features captured from the information lord app :
Landscape Mode of the InformationLord Android App

If you face any problems with reading posts and all, then one can simply refresh the app by tapping on 3Dots at the Top Right Corner and then select Sync Option from it.
Hope you liked our Information Lord Android app. Please rate us at playstore and do review and share it as a token of thanks. Now the world will connect and surely the knowledge will meet minds.
Upcoming Post : Pure Xperia Z3 ROM for Xperia C (Exclusively for Informationlord App Users).
I try to get this type of app but having problem in downloading it
Nice app bro, anyway, when the note 3 rom for xperia c come out? I cant wait for it
Great! So one more milestone from informationlord 😀
Thanks Bro 🙂