As per WhatsApp Inc directions, Whatsapp running on certain devices will stop working as a result, we will need to search for alternatives to continue running WhatsApp on your device without stop error.
How To Use WhatsApp in 2017 Old Devices
Old devices can never be neglected as they are the base to the One and only Android, iOS and Windows platform alongside Symbian Os that Nokia showcased on its best series of Featured Phones. Guess What? Nokia is coming back to the industry, lets hope that it blows all the latest Smartphone market with its amazing Android Features with less price expectations.

One might be thinking to switch over to the New Device, but then if you are stuck at methods to Transfer Data from Old Device to New One, then Check out: Backup and Restore WhasApp Messages from Old to New Phone without losing conversations and other media.
WhatsApp will not Work on these Devices in 2017
Here we managed to grab from our sources- The List of Devices that will not Support WhatsApp from 31st December 2016 Midnight-
- BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry 10.
- Nokia S40.
- Nokia Symbian S60.
- Android 2.1 and Android 2.2.
- Windows Phone 7.1 .
- iPhone 3GS/iO.
Its also applicable on the devices that run on all BlackBerry Versions, Nokia Symbian S60, Nokia S40, Android 2.1 and Android 2.2, iPhone 3GS/iOS 6 and Windows 7 Phone.
Read: How To Use 2 WhatsApp on Same Android Phone
But you need not to worry, as we have methods to Run WhatsApp on your Smartphone or featured phone after the expiration of your said dates for WhatsApp on your Smartphone. We Will soon update the tutorial along with Video Guide. Therefore do not forget to subscribe to the website.
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Sumesh..iam unable to dowmload the zip file. Olits been redirected to whatsap zip file found there to unlock