Dolby is the king of Sound Effects all over the world and especially in mobile market. Earlier we ported Dolby Digital Plus for Xperia C and now we have found the working Dolby Digital Plus for Android One Smartphones mod made by XDA dev for which we are really very much thankful.
Dolby digital plus for Android One Smartphones will really give a great quality voice in headphones which is quiet observable and pleasant to hear. Dolby digital plus is currently supported for all variants of Android One phones namely –
Dolby digital plus for Micromax Canvas A1
Dolby digital plus for karbonn Sparkle V
Dolby digital plus for Spice Dream UNO
Requirements to Proceed to Install Dolby Digital Plus on Android One Smartphone :
To unlock the Files please either like or share us 🙂
- Unlocked Bootloader of Android One
- Custom Philz Touch CWM Installed
- Rooted Android One
- Dolby Digital Plus flashable Zip
Procedure to Install Dolby Digital Plus for Android One Smartphones
One need to first Unlock the Bootloader of and thereafter install custom recovery which can flash the Dolby Surround Sound on Android One Smartphone.
Now simply boot into recovery and then tap on install zip from SD card and select the package you downloaded above and flash it.
That’s it now simply restart your phone and you are done. You will now see Dolby app in the apps menu on Android One smartphone. In this way you have successfully installed Dolby Surround Plus on your Android One smartphone. Thanks To my friend Prashanth Jraj for providing me the files which i tried on my phone.
Open the Dolby Surround App and then make it ON and feel the change in the music sensation. Use Headphones in order to feel the difference while listening the music or watching video. Here is the list of settings which will can be seen once Headphones are plugged in :

Do not forget to subscribe to our site as we are gonna shortly release some interesting tweaks for Android One smartphone that will blow Android One smartphone benchmarks to sky level. Also Install Our App from Playstore Link to stay Updated.
Om restarting my phone it shows an error “Unfortunately, Dolby Digital Plus has stopped”.
Does it happens always? If Yes, then try clearing cache!
yes it happens always I try to open the app.You mean wipe cache from recovery?
Yes! Wipe Cache from Recovery for Android One!
Hi Somesh I tried wiping the cache from recovery still the same error.
OOps Dolby is messing with Stock Sound Settings that is why you are unable to use the Sound Settings except Dolby!
Hi Somesh any fixes or workarounds for this?
No not yet!
hey Admin..That’s really a cool post .
can I know of the plugin you used to lock the content
Its Social Locker Plugin!
i really like information you provided as it provides whole thing about in details.