Xperia Smartphones are trending all over the world, with the recent launch of Sony Xperia T3, which is in huge demand in the market. What is that makes Xperia Devices stand apart in the market? The answer is very simple- It is the User Interface offered by the Xperia Phones. And the best thing is – Now anyone can design the User Interface for Sony Xperia Devices after reading the guide: How to Create Android Themes for Xperia Devices and therefore one can Customize the Xperia User Interface as per your needs and also share it on our website so that you are titled as so called Xperia Theme Developer.
How to create Android Themes for Xperia Devices can work on Android 4.3 and higher versions. One can also install them on lower versions of android running Xperia Devices manually by putting them in System > App folder and then setting permissions to rw-r-r. Comment to know more. I would like to thanks XDA Dev SArnab©® who posted this guide on XDA forum,
To create Android Themes for Xperia Devices, one should be equipped with the following :
- Desktop/laptop so that you can proceed
- Java Installed
- ADT Bundle and Eclipse
- Follow the guide with open eyes
That’s it you are now ready to design your own Xperia theme. Now all you need to do is just open the XDA link to create Android theme for Xperia Devices and follow the tutorial. If you are struck anywhere then feel free to comment so that we can resolve your problem as soon as possible. Do not forget to subscribe to our website in order to stay updated.
Themes need 4.3 and above bro.. 4.3 for xperia C still awaits!
I am writing another tutorial bro after which one can install these themes on Android 4.2 also!
Here you go Pratik! Now install on Xperia C with this guide :