After lots of petitions were signed to Unlock Bootloader of Xperia C which was started by me and signed by Xperia C supporters. (Link to the Petition : Unlock Bootloader Of Xperia C).
This time the news comes from the Official website of Sony Developers which has now showcased Xperia C in the list of the devices that can get their Bootloader Unlocked from the Sony Support.This is really leaked information which came into light after Sony Updated its website. As per the reports, Sony Mobile will release an update which can be Major ( Android 4.3 or 4.4) or minor after which one can see that the Bootloader status to yes in the service menu.
As a matter of fact here is the proof after which Informationlord has written this article Bootloader Unlock of Xperia C possible {Leaked Source from Sony}. One can just log on to Sony Developers Site to Unlock Bootloader for Xperia C once he/she has the Bootloader status to Yes in the service menu.
As soon as the Bootloader of Xperia C oficially starts unlocking, we will surely drop a mail in your box and in the coming days also gonna guide you all with the whole procedure to Unlock Bootloader of Xperia C. All you need to do is just subscribe to our Website from below.
Sony, f@cked pig, not do update!
It has ended all its support to Xperia C!
if the bootloader is no can i update it to lollipop rom
Follow the exact guides!
my bootloader unlock allowed is no i want to do it yes how to do the phone is from india
This is not possible!
Sir can we unlock/change the bootloader to ‘Yes’ by any means?
No that is not possible until Kernel Update is released!
then if there has the system or kernel update, can i update my rooted xc? can it be brick?
has the bootloader unlock option changed to YES???
Nope not yet
i have xperia C6602, i buy from USA, please help how to unlock i want to use in india.
A new update has been released 16.0.b.2.16 ..updated still unlock boot loader status showing: no bad luck waiting with d unlock code nnd a KitKat ROM port
how to unloack bootloader for jb 4.2
No sir my videos are in my sd card….
Sir I downloaded link2sod .my all apps are in sd card…but when I download any app…. The msg comes out-space storage runs out..sir.what tp do?
I guess your phone memory is full either by videos and photos stored!
So, this mean that there are xperia c with unlocked bootloader already?
No not until Sony releases its update! After that surely we will have Unlocked BL!
Space storage runs out…any solution???
Use linktosd
What is linktosd??
It is an app that enables users to Move apps from Internal Storage to SD card!
Not all apps move to SD card using these kind of Facebook etc..
When sony giving the android 4.3 approximately???and what should we do to get update??
Just wait and do nothing
sir so we can hope for 4.3 or 4.4 update soon ?pls reply
In my opinion yes!
Is it possible unlocking bootloader on 4.2 JB..?
While rooting information said “Unlock bootloader allowable: No”
Or it will possible on 4.3 or higher only?
Sony will release update might be then one can directly unlock from 4.2 if 4.3 is not available!
If we don’t unlock the boatloader we cant get the android update????
WE can! Who said so, but the profit will be to use Custom ROMS very easily!